Completing the natural frame of the surroundings...
Hosteria Patagon provides you with the best for an unforgettable stay. Therefore, it offers a wide range of services and equipment, to make your stay comfortable and pleasant.


The Inn has the exclusive bar services and a wide wine cellar.
A Mini-CINEMA service,the only one in the area with room for 42 people. When you arrive, just ask for timetable and films to be shown, and enjoy a great moment without leaving the inn.


The Patagon guests may enjoy a relaxing afternoon, in an exclusive space with an in-out swimming-pool and a complete Spa with access to the massage parlor, where you can enjoy a great variety of relaxing and repairing body massages.


Besides, for you and your family, the inn has a unique place for entertainment! A complete Playroom with a pool table, poker and a PC with free access to Internet.
Patagon is waiting for you, to enjoy a pleasant, warm and funny stay.